Monday, June 29, 2009


so it's now been summer for more than a month - although anyone looking at the weather can clearly see that it is not summer yet. i'm spending the summer doing research with one of my professors from first semester and a former president of my college - they're writing a book on a leadership theory that they developed together. the book has a whole slew of case studies so that's mostly what i've been researching recently. it's pretty interesting but it involves a lot a lot of reading and so because of that i'm not reading thay many pleasure reading books, but at least my reading for work is interesting! i started researching mandela and mugabe and have since moved on to fox (founder of quaker movement) and noyes (founder of oneida perfectionist community in ny). all of which i should get back to since i took a long weekend and need to do some catching up from!

oh, and a few weeks ago, i finally saw up, which was excellent. it was refresing to watch a movie that didn't revolve solely around its plot and had a crotchety old man as its protagonist (and a cute chubby asian kid). it was so...human. the plot had surrealness to it, but the characters were completely real. anyways, i'd definitely recommend it.

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