Thursday, July 16, 2009

theater: true west

yea, i document my lives based on shows and movies and events. i probably have more opinions and feelings than show up here, but they haven't come to mind as much recently when i'm in a blogging mood or moment.

so yesterday (yes! almost caught up!) i ushered for the williamstown theater festival's production of true west. it was the preview performance so not everything was to be perfect but still i was not too impressed. i'm not gonna lie, i didn't like it very much. the acting was pretty good though some of the intenser moments/screams could have been more real - but i wasn't a big fan of the plot line, maybe it's because i'm not a very big fan of westerns, who knows. in any case, the fact that i was sort of waiting for it to be over is generally not a good sign.

what does it say about me that i walked out of the kid's musical the festival put on (schmoozy togtherness - about a girl who loses her imagination) much more content and pleased than i did walking out of true west? i don't really care actually, i'm learning more and more to just go with my gut and try not to think about it too much (speaking generally really doesn't matter with theater productions). hopefully it's a good trend.

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