Friday, January 23, 2009

global gag rule overturned! and boo gillibrand

so in good and exciting news, obama overturned a rule prohibiting the u.s. from funding international family planning groups that promote abortions or provide information about abortion services. closely following the 36th anniversary of roe v. wade, this is a good step forward especially considering that on many levels knowledge of abortion and the ability to get one safely are about health for women internationally. besides, somebody needs to combat all the lies that anti-choicers produce.

on a negative note, from what i've read so far on kirsten gillibrand, hrc's senate replacement, she's really not my cup of tea and while it's nice that there's another woman replacing hil, i wish she were more progressive. apparently she: opposed legislation that would grant equal tax treatment for employer-provided health coverage for domestic partners, opposed legislation to grant same-sex partners of U.S. citizens and permanent residents the same immigration benefits of married couples, opposed former governor Eliot Spitzer's plan to offer driver's licenses to undocumented immigrants, is a supporter of gun rights, and supports an extension of Bush's tax cuts.

also, having spent enough time at the gym watching her campaign ads of the last election, she (and her opponent) just ran so many negative campaign ads that i have a hard time liking her just off of that.

so the conclusion is either that i'm too progressive or she's not progressive enough (especially considering that she represents one of the most progressive states in the nation...)

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