Friday, January 16, 2009

summer musings

so while summer seems a long way off (especially considering that we have been in the single digits for the last few days), i'm one of those people who plans things early. and actually its really not all that early since a lot of programs' deadlines are fast approaching.

options to consider:
1. study in china (intensive chinese)
2. get an internship in washington d.c.
3. do research with prof.

things of note:
1. applied to government sponsored program, probably won't receive
2. need to apply, chances of getting? i have no idea.
3. need to find out more about it - he's writing a book on leadership with a president emeritus and it probably would be interesting but...housing? stipend? living in the middle of nowhere for even longer?

hmm. hmm. what to do. especially since aside from more info on the third option, i wouldn't find out about the others until march...

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