Tuesday, April 7, 2009

why blog?

considering how rarely i've been posting lately i've been wondering why i even have a blog...it started as a way to get some opinions out and act as a sort of journal for my college experience which in twenty years i will not remember all of and then morphed into something that just had random stuff - news quotes, song lyrics, comics, events, etc. but i don't even really put everything in here. so i doubt it will effectively chronicle my college frosh year. maybe it'd be better to write it on paper which is definitely something i'm considering. i think i just feel as though i'm more likely to put something down if i'm typing than if i'm handwriting and i want to put something down even if its just a title or a picture.

i guess there's just that part of me that needs the practice and aspires to be more eloquent. i wish i could twist words into prose or poetry or something more meaningful than the semi stream of consciousness that ends up here. but in the end, beautiful or not, it means something to me that the words still end up somewhere.

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